2020.12.16 Editor: F. J.
As one of the original NAI editors, it is an honor to wish our authors and their associates a healthy and highly productive 2021. As you know, 2020 has presented challenges that have left many regions of the world devastated through the loss of life and economic fallout from the pandemic. This time last year we had no idea that out of nowhere would come an enemy of such strength and endurance. But the scientific and medical communities have been an enduring beacon of light and hope. They have provided guidance despite many obstacles (at least here in the U.S.) so that many of us have avoided COVID-19. They have also cared for patients with COVID-19 despite never having experienced such a challenge or danger in their work lives. Research has resulted in reducing the death rate of hospitalized patients. And a vaccine is well on its way.
Through my working with NAI, I have come to admire those in science and medicine who regardless of setbacks and distractions continue to work in their own particular fields, adding to a greater understanding of each topic being studied. I am proud to help prepare their work for publication, which will enrich the knowledge base in so many areas. So welcome to 2021.
記号の正しい使用方法:表記法とガイドライン(Part 1)(2020.11)

2020.11.16 Editor: M. R.
Correct usage of symbols: Conventions and guidelines (Part 1)
Japan is a global leader in cutting-edge research. From my ten years of experience as a scientific editor, I have concluded that the following are the primary focus areas for Japanese authors in terms of improving their symbol usage in written English.
1) A range of values is denoted by an en dash (–) and not by a tilde (~). The tilde is more commonly used to denote “approximately”.
In MS Word, an en dash can be obtained from the Symbol list under the Insert menu.
Example: (i) The participants were 20-50 years old.
(ii) The weight of the block was ~5 kg.
2) The minus sign is not the same as the hyphen. When writing negative values in MS Word, avoid using the hyphen to denote minus. Instead, use the minus sign from the Symbol list under the Insert menu (Subset: Mathematical Operators).
Example: The sample was cooled to −5 °C (not -5 °C).
(To be continued...)
記号の正しい使用方法:表記法とガイドライン(Part 1)
1)数値の範囲には、チルダ(~)ではなく、enダッシュ(–)を使用します。 チルダは、一般的に「約」を表すために使用されます。
例: (i) The participants were 20-50 years old.(参加者は 20歳から50 歳であった。)
(ii) The weight of the block was ~5 kg.(ブロックの重量はおよそ5キロであった。)
2)「マイナス」記号はハイフンと同じではありません。 MS Wordで負の値を入力する場合は、ハイフンを「マイナス」記号の意味として使用しないでください。 代わりに、[挿入]メニューの[記号]リスト(Subset: Mathematical Operators)から入力できます。
例: The sample was cooled to −5 °C.(試料を −5 °Cまで冷却した。※表記:「-5 °C」は使用しません。)
記号の正しい使用方法:表記法とガイドライン(Part 2)(2020.11)

Correct usage of symbols: Conventions and guidelines (Part 2)
In this edition of focus areas for Japanese authors in terms of improving their symbol usage in written English, we shall look at the apostrophe/prime symbols and the degree symbol.
3) When writing the names of organic compounds, pharmaceuticals, etc., the prime symbol should be used and not the apostrophe.
In MS Word, the prime symbol can be found in the Symbol list under the Insert menu. Example: 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine (not 3’-azido-3’-deoxythymidine)
4) When expressing temperature or angle values, use the degree symbol and not the superscript letter “o”.
In MS Word, the degree symbol can be found in the Symbol list under the Insert menu. Example: The sample was heated to 243 °C (not 243 oC).
記号の正しい使用方法:表記法とガイドライン(Part 2)
3) 有機化合物や医薬品などの名称を記載する場合は、アポストロフィではなくプライム記号を使用します。
MS Wordでは、[挿入]メニューの[記号]リストからプライム記号を入力できます。
例: 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine (※表記「3’-azido-3’-deoxythymidine」は使用しません。)
4) 温度または角度を表す場合は、文字「o」を上付きにするのではなく、記号「°」を使用します。
MS Wordでは、 [挿入]メニューの[記号]リストから記号を入力できます。
例:The sample was heated to 243 °C.(試料を243℃に加熱した。※表記「243 oC」は使用しません。)
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方 (Part 4):etc.(2020.10)

2020.10.01 Editor: L. R
Using Latin abbreviations and acronyms (Part 4)- etc.
In this final article on common Latin abbreviations and acronyms, we come to ‘etc.’ This abbreviation is short for the phrase ‘et cetera’ and means ‘and so on’ or ‘and other things’.
There is a full stop/period after ‘etc.’ because it is an abbreviation.
The term ‘etc.’ is used when you want to indicate that you are talking about a list of similar things, which the reader can be expected to be familiar with. Usually the first two items would be written out followed by ‘etc.’
For example ‘The meal came with various accompaniments — pickles, sauces, etc.’
‘The tissue culture facility is stocked with basic supplies — Petri dishes, pipettes, etc.’
‘Etc.’ should never be used for people; for a list of names use ‘et al.’
In a list of items, a comma can be used after the last item in the list before ‘etc.’ in the same way that a serial comma is used before ‘and’ when listing items. This is a matter of preference but the rule should be applied consistently.
For example: ‘The tissue culture facility is stocked with basic supplies — Petri dishes, pipettes, etc.’ is written in the same way as ‘The tissue culture facility is stocked with basic supplies — Petri dishes, pipettes, and flasks.’
When ‘etc.’ is used at the end of a sentence, there is no need to follow it with a second full stop/period. However if any other punctuation is necessary, such as a question mark, that should be added after the full stop/period of ‘etc.’ as though it was any other word.
For example ‘Is the tissue culture facility stocked with Petri dishes, pipettes, etc.?’
When ‘etc.’ is used in the middle of a sentence it should be followed by appropriate punctuation just like any other word. For example ‘Bring whatever you need for a day out — water bottle, cash etc. — and we can explore my new home town! ’
‘You should perform basic daily checks on your vehicle (tyre pressures, oil level, etc.) before setting out each day. ’
The abbreviation ‘etc.’ should only be used where the reader is expected to be familiar with what the items omitted from the list would be, because if they are not, they will have to guess or else will misunderstand what they have been told.
Although ‘etc.’ is common in everyday use, its use should be avoided in formal medical or scientific writing. In such publications, the aim is to educate and inform, so the reader’s knowledge should never be assumed. Instead, explicit information should be provided, or the reader should be directed to another source of information.
Using ‘etc.’ also tends to give a poor impression — either that the information the writer wishes to impart is so uninteresting as not to be worth bothering to write about, or that the writer is simply too lazy to write it all out. Neither of these will endear the writer either to reviewers or readers.
So for example it would not be good practice to write ‘The position will involve supervising students, writing grants, etc.’
‘Common side effects of chemotherapy are hair loss, nausea, etc.’
A better way to present this information would be either to write it out in full, or to guide the reader to a source of information, so for the examples above, they could be written:
‘The position will involve supervising students, writing grants, overseeing technical staff, and liaising with clinicians.’
‘The position will involve a range of duties, as detailed in the job description provided on the website.’
‘Common side effects of chemotherapy are hair loss, nausea, fatigue, diarrhoea or constipation, appetite changes, peripheral neuropathy, dry skin, problems with the mouth or throat, infections, and easy bruising.’
‘Common side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and diarrhoea or constipation, among others [ref].’
In summary - avoid using ‘etc.’ as it does not make your writing look professional.
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方 (Part 4):etc.
ラテン語の略語と頭字語に関するコラムの最終回では、‘etc.’についてお話しします。この略語は‘et cetera’という語句の短縮形であり、その意味は「~など」または「その他のもの」です。
例えば、‘The meal came with various accompaniments — pickles, sauces, etc.’(「食事にはピクルスやソースなどの様々な付け合わせが付いてきた。」)
‘The tissue culture facility is stocked with basic supplies — Petri dishes, pipettes, etc.’(「この細胞培養施設にはペトリ皿やピペットなどの基本的な備品が蓄えられている。」)
‘etc.’は決して人に対して使用されるべきではなく、人名を列記する際には‘et al.’を使います。
例えば、‘The tissue culture facility is stocked with basic supplies — Petri dishes, pipettes, etc.’は、‘The tissue culture facility is stocked with basic supplies — Petri dishes, pipettes, and flasks.’と同じようにコンマを使用できます。
例えば、‘Is the tissue culture facility stocked with Petri dishes, pipettes, etc.?’(「この細胞培養施設にはペトリ皿やピペットなどの基本的な備品が蓄えられているのか?」)
‘etc.’が文の途中で使用される場合には、他の言葉の場合と同様に、その後に適切な句読点を置く必要があります。例えば次のような文です。‘Bring whatever you need for a day out — water bottle, cash etc. — and we can explore my new home town! ’(「水筒や現金など、お出かけに必要なものは何でも持ってきてください。そうしたら、私の新しい故郷を探検できます。」)
‘You should perform basic daily checks on your vehicle (tyre pressures, oil level, etc.) before setting out each day. ’(「毎日出掛ける前には乗り物の日常基礎点検(タイヤ圧、オイルレベルなど)を行う必要があります。」)
ですから、次のような文章を書くことは優れた実践とは言えません。‘The position will involve supervising students, writing grants, etc.’(「職務として生徒指導や研究助成金申請書の執筆などが含まれます。」)
‘Common side effects of chemotherapy are hair loss, nausea, etc.’(「化学療法の一般的な副作用には脱毛や吐き気などがあります。」)
‘The position will involve supervising students, writing grants, overseeing technical staff, and liaising with clinicians.’(「職務として生徒指導、研究助成金申請書の執筆、技術スタッフの監督、そして臨床医との連絡および調整が含まれます。」)
‘The position will involve a range of duties, as detailed in the job description provided on the website.’(「職務は広範囲にわたり、ホームページ上にその詳細が記載されています。」)
‘Common side effects of chemotherapy are hair loss, nausea, fatigue, diarrhoea or constipation, appetite changes, peripheral neuropathy, dry skin, problems with the mouth or throat, infections, and easy bruising.’(「化学療法の一般的な副作用には脱毛、吐き気、疲労感、下痢または便秘、食欲の変化、末梢神経障害、肌の乾燥、口やのどの問題、感染症、あざができやすい、があります。」)
あるいは、 ‘Common side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and diarrhoea or constipation, among others [ref].’(「化学療法の一般的な副作用には脱毛、吐き気、疲労感、下痢または便秘や他の症状が含まれます [ref]。」)
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方 (Part 3):e. g.

2020.08.03 Editor: L. R
Using Latin abbreviations and acronyms (Part 3)- e. g.
Abbreviations and acronyms in Latin crop up quite commonly in English writing. I previously looked at the use of ‘et al.’ and ‘i. e.’. Thirdly, we come to ‘e. g.’ which stands for ‘exempli gratia’ and means ‘for example’. It is used to help explain a point by providing one or more examples.
Since both the ‘e' and the ‘g' are abbreviations, both letters are followed by a full stop/period. Both letters are written in lower case, unless at the start of a sentence when the first letter would be capitalised as usual. However it would be very unusual to begin a sentence with ‘E.g.’ and if it was necessary it would be better to begin with ‘For example’ instead.
In UK (British) English there is no comma after the term, but in US (American) English it is followed by a comma after the second full stop/period before the examples.
This abbreviation is used to introduce one or more examples of something, to help clarify the subject you are writing about. So you might write something like ‘Vaccination has been an important intervention in controlling previously-common infectious diseases e. g. measles and polio.’
‘Over-the-counter medications are those which are available without prescription, e. g. the painkillers ibuprofen and paracetamol.’
However, although certain Latin abbreviations (such as ‘et al.’) are in common use in academic writing, the abbreviation ‘e. g.’ tends not to be used as much, although it is commonly used in less formal, everyday writing. There is no particular reason for this, and using ‘e. g.’ is not incorrect, but it seems to give work a more casual ‘feel’. Instead the phrase ‘for example’ is often written out. Various other phrases can also be used, like ‘such as’, or ‘for instance’.
So in the above examples, they might be better phrased as ‘Vaccination has been an important intervention in controlling previously-common infectious diseases such as measles and polio.’
‘Over-the-counter medications are those which are available without prescription, for example the painkillers ibuprofen and paracetamol.’
The phrase can either be enclosed within parentheses or used as part of the sentence. This is mainly a matter of personal preference, although journal guidelines should be consulted for any specific instructions.
Whichever style is chosen should be used consistently. As a general rule, items in parentheses are considered non-essential information. If a sentence does not make sense without the part within parentheses, they should not be used.
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方 (Part 3):e. g.
ラテン語の略語と頭字語は、英語の文章においてごく一般的に使われています。これまでに‘et al.’(「その他」)と ‘i. e.’(「すなわち」)について見てきました。この3回目のコラムでは、‘for example’(「例えば」)を意味するラテン語‘exempli gratia’ の略語である‘e. g.’について解説します。この略語は、一つか複数の例を挙げて要点を説明するために役立ちます。
‘e’と‘g’は共に略語なので、その後ろにはそれぞれ終止符/ピリオドが続きます。文頭にくる場合には通常の規則に従って大文字で記述されますが、それ以外の場合には両方とも小文字で記されます。しかしながら、文章を‘E.g.’で始めることは非常に稀であり、そのような必要があった場合には、代わりに‘For example’で始めた方が良いでしょう。
イギリス英語(ブリティッシュイングリッシュ)ではこの略語の後にコンマは置かれませんが、米国英語(アメリカンイングリッシュ)では2番目の略語の後の終止符/ピリオドと例との間にコンマが置かれます。(例:i. e.,)
この略語は一つか複数の例を挙げる際に使用され、記述しようとしている対象を明確にするために役立ちます。例えば次のような文章です。‘Vaccination has been an important intervention in controlling previously-common infectious diseases e. g. measles and polio.’(「予防接種は、例えばはしかや小児まひの様なそれまで一般的であった感染病の制御における重要な介入策であった。」)
‘Over-the-counter medications are those which are available without prescription, e. g. the painkillers ibuprofen and paracetamol.’(「市販薬とは、例えば鎮痛剤のイブプロフェンやアセトアミノフェンの様な処方せん無しで購入できる医薬品である。」)
アカデミックライティングにおいては、特定のラテン語の略語(‘et al.’など)は一般的に使用されていますが、‘e. g.’という略語はそれほど頻繁に使われておらず、あまり形式ばらない日常的な書き物で使用されています。これについては特別な理由は無く、 また‘e. g.’を使っても間違いではないのですが、文章にもっとくだけた「感じ」を与えるようです。アカデミックライティングでは代わりに‘for example’の語句がよく使用されています。他の様々な語句、例えば‘such as’などを使用してもよいでしょう。
先に挙げた例文は次の様に書き換えると良いかもしれません。‘Vaccination has been an important intervention in controlling previously-common infectious diseases such as measles and polio.’
‘Over-the-counter medications are those which are available without prescription, for example the painkillers ibuprofen and paracetamol.’
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方 (Part 2):i. e.(2020.7)

2020.07.01 Editor: L. R
Using Latin abbreviations and acronyms (Part 2)- i. e.
Latin abbreviations and acronyms crop up quite commonly in English writing. I previously looked at the use of ‘et al.’. This time I will consider ‘i. e.’ which stands for ‘id est’ meaning ‘that is’.
The abbreviation ‘i. e.’ is used when you want to make something clear by explaining it in a slightly different way. The phrase can be enclosed within parentheses or simply included as part of the sentence.
For example:
‘While symptoms were reduced in all treatment groups, subgroup analysis found no significant difference between the different treatment-time groups, i.e. the effect of the drug was the same whether it was given early or late.’
‘The treatment was tested in toddlers (i. e. children aged between one and three years).’
Since both the i and the e are abbreviations, both letters are followed by a full stop/ period.
Although, traditionally, Latin terms are written in italics like this, nowadays this is less common, especially for abbreviations. Because i. e. has been in use for so long, it is considered standard English and should be written in the same font as the rest of the sentence.
The abbreviation i. e. is not used at the start of a sentence, because it is always used to add clarity to the preceding phrase. As such it is always written in lower case.
In UK (British) English there is no comma after the term, but in US (American) English it is followed by a comma after the second full stop/period before the second phrase.
The next point to consider is whether you should use the abbreviation ‘i. e.’ at all.
Because it is used in the same way as phrases such as ‘that is’, ‘in other words’, or ‘in essence’, or even punctuation such as parentheses or dashes, using any of these would be acceptable in academic writing and might be a better choice for the sake of clarity.
Latin abbreviations were introduced when Latin was commonly taught and typesetting involved placing letter blocks one at a time, so abbreviations saved some ink for the writer or a little work for the typesetter. While using abbreviations such as ‘i. e.’ saves time and space in hand-written work, nowadays producing typed text is quick and easy.
In addition not many readers will have studied Latin. Consequently in academic writing it is just as easy to write ‘that is’ or some equivalent phrase instead.
For the examples given above, alternatives could be:
‘While symptoms were reduced in all treatment groups, subgroup analysis found no significant difference between the different treatment-time groups, in other words the effect of the drug was the same whether it was given early or late.’
‘While symptoms were reduced in all treatment groups, subgroup analysis found no significant difference between the different treatment-time groups—the effect of the drug was the same whether it was given early or late.’
‘The treatment was tested in toddlers (children aged between one and three years).’
‘The treatment was tested in toddlers, that is, in children aged between one and three years.’
However abbreviations can be useful when there is a need to cut down the number of characters in a piece of work such as an abstract or poster presentation.
In the next section I will discuss use of ‘e. g.’
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方 (Part 2):i. e.
英語の文章ではラテン語の略語や頭字語が当たり前のように使用されます。前回のコラムでは‘et al.’についてお話ししました。今回は、‘that is’(「すなわち」)を意味するラテン語‘id est’の略語である‘i. e.’について解説します。
‘i. e.’という略語は、何かを少し異なる言い方でより明確に説明したい時に使用されます。その様な語句は、括弧でくくったり、単に文の一部として含めることもできます。
‘While symptoms were reduced in all treatment groups, subgroup analysis found no significant difference between the different treatment-time groups, i.e. the effect of the drug was the same whether it was given early or late.’(例文①「全ての治療群において症状は軽減されたが、サブグループ解析では異なる治療時間群間に有意な差は認められず、すなわち、この薬物の効果は、早期に投与されても後期に投与されても同じであった。」)
‘The treatment was tested in toddlers (i. e. children aged between one and three years).’(例文②「この治療は幼児(すなわち、1~3歳の小児)においてテストされた。」)
従来、ラテン語の用語はイタリックで表記されますが、現在では、特に略語に関しては、このような表記法はあまり一般的ではありません。i. e.は非常に古くから使用されているので、標準的な英語と見なされており、文章の他の部分と同じフォントで表記されるべきでしょう。
略語のi. e.は先行する語句を明確化するために使用されるので、文頭で使用されることはありません。従って、常に小文字で表記されます。
次に検討すべき点は、そもそもi. e.という略語を使う必要があるのかということです。
‘i. e.’は‘that is’(「すなわち」)や‘in other words’(「言い換えると」)、‘in essence’(「つまり」)などの語句、あるいは括弧やダッシュの様な句読点と同じように使用され、これらの表現はいずれも学術文書(アカデミックライティング)において許容されており、明確化の点ではかえってi. e.よりも優れているかもしれないからです。
ラテン語の略語は、ラテン語の教育が一般的に行われ、活字を一つ一つ並べていく植字が行われていた時代に導入されました。略語の使用により印刷工は若干のインクを、植字工は少しばかりの作業を節約できたのです。手組みの作業においては、‘i. e.’の様な略語は時間とスペースの節約に役立ちましたが、今日ではテキストの印刷は素早く簡単に行えます。
そしてまた、ラテン語を習得している読者も多くはないでしょう。従って、今日のアカデミックライティングでは、 ‘i. e.’と同様に、‘that is’や同じ意味を持つ語句の表記が頻繁に代用されています。
‘While symptoms were reduced in all treatment groups, subgroup analysis found no significant difference between the different treatment-time groups, in other words the effect of the drug was the same whether it was given early or late.’
‘While symptoms were reduced in all treatment groups, subgroup analysis found no significant difference between the different treatment-time groups—the effect of the drug was the same whether it was given early or late.’
‘The treatment was tested in toddlers (children aged between one and three years).’
‘The treatment was tested in toddlers, that is, in children aged between one and three years.’
次回は‘e. g.’(「例えば」)についてお話しします。
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方:et al.(2020.6)

2020.06.01 Editor: L. R
Using Latin abbreviations and acronyms- et al.
For many centuries, Latin was the language used by educated people all over Europe, and as a legacy of that, a variety of Latin terms and abbreviations are still used when writing in English.
Some of the most common abbreviations you are likely to come across are ‘et al.’ ‘i. e.’, ‘e. g’ and ‘etc.’ These abbreviations and acronyms are quite commonly used in everyday writing, but tend to be used only in very specific ways in academic writing.
First, let’s look at ‘et al.’ This is an abbreviation of ‘et alia’ translated as ‘and others’ and meaning ‘and other people’ or ‘and colleagues’. There is a full stop/ period after ‘al.’ because it is an abbreviation of ‘alia’, but not after ‘et’ because it is not an abbreviation.
In academic writing ‘et al.’ is used specifically when referring to several authors of a publication or researchers in a team. This is always the term used in the reference list. In most referencing styles, up to three authors should be listed for each publication in the reference list. For publications with four or more authors, the first few (sometimes only one, sometimes three, depending on the journal) should be named, followed by et al.
When citing references in the text, only the first author is named, followed by et al. For example:
‘This observation was first reported by Chang et al. (1988).’ or ‘This finding was in agreement with previous reports (Johnson et al., 1994).’
While ‘et al.’ is frequently used in the text, sometimes authors like to use alternatives for variety if they are discussing many other publications. Examples of alternative wording include ‘Our results contradict the findings reported by Sampson and colleagues (2012)’ or ‘As described by Cochrane and co-workers (2017)...’ However, if the citation is completely enclosed within parentheses, as in (Pierri et al., 2015) only ‘et al.’ is acceptable.
The abbreviation ‘etc.’ also translates as ‘and others’ but it means ‘and other things’ and so should not be used for people.
Next, we will look at the use of ‘i.e.’
ラテン語の用語と略語の使い方:et al.
すぐに思い浮かぶ最も一般的な略語は、‘et al.’(「その他」)、‘i. e.’(「すなわち」)、‘e. g.’(「例えば」)や‘etc.’(「など」)ではないでしょうか。これらの略語や頭字語は日常的な書き物においてもごく一般的に使用されていますが、学術的な執筆においては非常に特異的な用法において使用される傾向があります。
最初に‘et al.’を見てみましょう。‘et al.’は‘et alia’の略語で、「その他」と訳され、「~と他の人達」または「~と同僚達」を意味します。‘al.’は‘alia’の略語なので後に終止符/ピリオドが続きますが、‘et ’は略語ではないので終止符をつけません。
学術的な執筆においては、‘et al.’は特に文献の複数の著者達、あるいは研究チームのメンバー達を意味します。参考文献のリストにおいては常にこの用語が使用されます。ほとんどの文献引用スタイルでは、参考文献リストにおいて文献毎に最大3名の著者名を記載するようになっています。文献の著者が4名以上いる場合には、最初の2,3名(雑誌によって1名の時もあれば3名の時もあります)の氏名が記載された後にet al.が続きます。
本文中に文献が引用される場合には、最初の著者名のみが記載され、後にet al.が続きます。例えば、次のように記載されます。 「この観察はChang et al.(1988)により最初に報告された。」あるいは、「この知見は先行報告(Johnson et al., 1994)とも一致する。」
‘et al.’は本文中で頻繁に使用されますが、多くの文献を引用して議論が展開されるような場合には、変化を付けるために別の表現を好む著者もいます。代りの言い回しの例としては、「Our results contradict the findings reported by Sampson and colleagues (2012)(直訳:我々の結果はSampsonら(2012)により報告された知見と矛盾する)」や、「As described by Cochrane and co-workers (2017)...(直訳:Cochraneら(2017)により記述された様に...)」などが挙げられます※。しかし、「(Pierri et al., 2015)」のように引用が括弧内で完結される場合には、‘et al.’のみが許容されます。
※日本の論文では、et al. は「~ら」の表現がほとんどの場合に使用されており、表現の統一が好まれますが、英語の論文では、同じことについても異なる表現(言い回し)を用いることが好まれております。

2020.04.02 Editor: G. M
Your manuscript has been (surprisingly) rejected
Have you ever had a manuscript rejected for reasons that appeared to be a little odd and even insincere? You thought you had answered all reviewer comments to a satisfactory standard and, yet, your magnificent paper was still turned down.
I once sent a manuscript to a prestigious hematology journal. After satisfying reviewer comments, specifically to adjust the dose of an enzyme used in experiments, my manuscript was rejected. However, imagine my surprise when a paper very similar to mine was soon afterwards published by the very same journal! They had neglected to inform me at the time of my submission that a comparable manuscript existed. In fact, they had rejected my manuscript to favor another research group to my great disappointment.
Accordingly, keep this story in mind when a rejection seems illogical and unfair. It is likely to have been rejected for reasons that are not obvious—ones that may involve politics in scientific circles—and not because it was unworthy of publication.

2020.03.02 Editor: E. L
The cover letter part 2:Spend time on the summary
Last month, I mentioned the importance of the cover letter during manuscript submission, highlighting how it can create the right first impression. Now, it is time to consider the content of the letter in more detail.
The letter always starts with your wish to submit your manuscript to the journal, stating the title and the type of article (e.g., original research article, review, letter). The next paragraph should contain a brief summary of the study. Although this is the most important part of the cover letter, many authors simply copy the abstract from their manuscript at this point. In many cases, however, it would be much better to provide a shorter, less-technical summary. Remember that the Editor may not be completely familiar with your subject matter and may not immediately see the advances of your work. Provide the context to your study, and then focus on the key results and take-home message, avoiding acronyms and jargon. Lastly, emphasize why your manuscript will appeal to readers of the journal.
The cover letter then resumes a standard format. It is helpful to name potential referees, stating their research interests and contact details, as well as researchers who you would like to be excluded. Include a statement to say that the work has not been published elsewhere and that it has been edited by a native English-speaking scientist. Such statements are standard, and it is acceptable to cut and paste them from previous letters. Lastly, it is always nice to end the letter with a pleasantry, such as “Thank you for your consideration in advance” or “I look forward to hearing from you in due course”, before signing off with “Yours sincerely,” if the letter is addressed to a specific individual or with “Yours faithfully,” if addressed “Dear Editor”.
In summary, you’ve spent all that time carrying out your research and preparing your manuscript, so take just a few more minutes to write a cover letter that creates a good first impression and does your study justice.
それから、カバーレターの内容を標準形式に戻します。可能性のあるレフェリーの名前をそのレフェリーの研究的興味と詳細連絡先とともに明記し、さらに除外したい研究者も挙げておくと役立ちます。この研究は他で発表されたものではなく、英語を母国語とする科学者によって編集されたという一文を含めてください。このような記述は標準的なものですので、過去のカバーレターから切り取って貼り付けることも許容されます。最後に、「Thank you for your consideration in advance」や「I look forward to hearing from you in due course」などの礼儀正しい言葉で締めくくるのはいつでも好ましいものです。署名の前に、レターが特定の個人宛てである場合には「Yours sincerely,」、宛名を「Dear Editor」とした場合には「Yours faithfully,」と書き添えます。

2020.02.03 Editor: E. L
The cover letter part 1: First impressions count
So, you’ve written your manuscript, formatted your tables, and perfected your figures. There’s just the cover letter between you and manuscript submission. Nearly every journal asks for one, but just how important is the cover letter? Well, it is said that first impressions count, and your letter will present the initial glimpse of your study. It is the first opportunity to showcase and “sell” your work, so it may be worth spending more than a few minutes on it and really grab the Editor’s attention.
It is true that many aspects of the cover letter, such as the submission statement, list of suggested referees, and statement of originality, are standard for the submission of any manuscript. In some cases, however, the journal asks for a different format or for specific information; for example, a non-technical or “lay” summary of your work, or an outline of the study’s implications.
Therefore, before you start, double-check the submission guidelines of your chosen journal and prepare the cover letter accordingly. For larger journals with multiple editors, check which editor would be most suitable to assess your work and address the cover letter to them. In cases where you are not sure of the name, it is reasonable to address the letter as “Dear Editor”. Simple steps such as these will immediately help to create the right first impression and encourage the Editor to read on and discover more about your study.
ですからカバーレターの作成前に、選択したジャーナルの投稿ガイドラインをもう一度確認し、それに応じてカバーレターを準備してください。複数の編集者がいる大手ジャーナルの場合、あなたの研究を評価するのにどの編集者が最適かを確認し、カバーレターの宛名をその編集者にします。名前がわからない場合は、カバーレターの宛名は「Dear Editor」とします。このような簡単なステップは、適切な第一印象をあたえ、編集者があなたの研究を読み進めて、その良さをより理解してもらえるよう働きかけるうえで直ちに役立ちます。
この論文という世界、幾度かの校閲を繰り返し、完璧と信じて投稿した論文も、「Poor English」と無碍な回答が返ってきたりします。何度も悔しい思いもいたしました。
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